Kingdom of the Picts
"Trail development for Strathbogie and Strathdon for the benefit of local residents and the wider public"

Kingdom of the Picts

The Kingdom of the Picts was an early medieval kingdom that was located in what is now Scotland, in the northern and eastern parts of the country. The kingdom was located in the areas that are now the modern Scottish council areas of Aberdeenshire, Angus, the Highland region, Moray, and the Scottish Borders. The exact boundaries of the Kingdom of the Picts are not known, but it is believed to have been a powerful and influential kingdom in the early medieval period.

The Kingdom of the Picts Trail is a historic trail, which follows a route through the ancient Kingdom of the Picts. The trail is a long distance walking route, and offers visitors the chance to explore the rich cultural heritage of the Picts, including their history, art, and architecture. The trail covers a variety of landscapes, including rolling hills and verdant forests, and is a great way to experience the beauty and diversity of Scotland.

This is a long distance trail linking communities in Strathbogie and Strathdon in Aberdeenshire. It links Huntly, Gartly, Rhynie, Lumsden, Glenkindie, Strathdon and Corgarff.

Strathbogie is a historical region in Scotland, located in the northeastern part of the country. It is situated in the modern-day council area of Aberdeenshire and was once a distinct territorial unit within the Kingdom of Scotland. Strathbogie was the birthplace of many important historical figures and was a key center of power and political activity in medieval Scotland. Today, Strathbogie remains an important part of Scotland's cultural heritage, with many historic landmarks, castles, and other cultural sites that draw visitors from around the world.

Strathdon is a valley and a historical region in Scotland, located in the northeastern part of the country. It is situated in the modern-day council area of Aberdeenshire, within the Cairngorms National Park. Strathdon is known for its rolling hills, verdant forests, and clear streams, and is a popular tourist destination for those seeking to explore the natural beauty of Scotland. The valley has a rich cultural heritage, with many historic landmarks, castles, and other cultural sites that reflect its important role in the history of Scotland. Today, Strathdon remains an important part of Scotland's cultural heritage and continues to attract visitors from around the world.

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