Kingdom of the Picts
"Trail development for Strathbogie and Strathdon for the benefit of local residents and the wider public"

Kingdom of the Picts Trail

A long distance route known as the Kingdom of the Picts Trail. The route is intended to link from Huntly to Strathdon, and will include links to the villages between. For the time being a detailed route is only provided to the Moray boundary due to some access issues beyond this. The route is not waymarked currently, although this may be addressed. The tracks are almost entirely on hard tracks and minor roads, there is one short section which may be overgrown but the direction is usually quite clear.

Huntly to Roch Ford (gpx
Gartly to Glenkindie (gpx
Finglennie to Gartly (gpx
Finglennie to Tin Hut (gpx)

Clicking the links above will download the file to your default folder. The files can be opened and viewed in an on-line mapping application such as OS maps or Strava. Other apps are available. They can also be uploaded to a navigation tool such as Garmin.

Huntly to Roch Ford

Starting in Huntly at the Square, the route proceeds south to the A96. Crossing the A96, turning up past the Mart to go over the Clashmach. The route then follows forestry roads through the Clashindarroch Forest towards the wind farm and down to Bogancloch (say 'Hi' to Jake Williams). It then follows more forestry tracks through the ski trails area to the A941 near Black Middens. A short section on road, then on to a track by Elrick heading towards Lumsden. Branch off right to go up towards The Buck past Clayhooter Hill to Scad Hill. The next short section is through peat hags to the ridge leading up to The Buck. The route now follows estate tracks through The Cabrach to the Moray boundary at Roch Ford.

Roch Ford to Corgarff

This section of the route is provisional only, and no gpx file of the route can be provided at this point. The route follows estate tracks down to Glenbuchat then over The Sochach to Corgarff. At Corgarff the route meets with another long distance trail called The Pictish Trail which would connect northwards to Sutherland or south to Edinburgh.

Gartly to Glenkindie

Staring in Gartly the route proceeds up the hill past Kirkney and into the forest. Back out on to the hill top and down, round Tap O Noth to the A941 at Mains of Lesmore. A short road section to Belhinnie, then tracks past Tonburn, Red Crag, Craik to Craig Castle. Tracks follow from Tamduff on to Clova then on to Auchmullen. Follow Glen Laff towards the wind farm but turn left up the hill to cross over past Broom Hill and down to Chapelton by the Kindie Burn. Follow the road down to the A97 and to Glenkindie village.

Gartly to Finglennie

Follow the previous route until round Tap O Noth, then turn right by the telephone mast. The next short section may be overgrown as it is infrequently used. Emerge on the track up to Old Merdrum and down to the Mytice road. Turn left and pass Finglennie to join the route to Roch Ford.

Tin Hut to Finglennie

Starting at the Tin Hut, go along the road to Burncruinach and turn off left on to tracks to Coynachie. A short road section then into the forest along past Long Bank then left downhill to join the Gartly route past Finglennie.


Whilst all paths shown have been used by walkers and/or cyclists the condition of the tracks cannot be guaranteed. Users would be responsible for their own safety. Access to the tracks is available under the Land Reform Act 2003 and the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.None of these paths is sign-posted or way-marked. A map would be advisable to follow the routes


All walkers and/or cyclists would be responsible for their own safety. Users should ensure that they are suitably dressed for the conditions and have the necessary skills for navigation in remote areas.

©Copyright Kingdom of the Picts 2023